Recent content by AlishS

  1. AlishS

    Windows 8 Modeling a Database for an Appointment System

    I am developing an online booking platform that enables teachers to arrange online conversations with students. Teachers can indicate the dates and times they are available for virtual meetings. Students are able to find available teachers by entering the date, time, and duration for interviews...
  2. AlishS

    Windows 8 Is it possible to use Selenium WebDriver to automate native Windows-based dialog boxes?

    I was recently asked how to handle window based pop ups, and I responded with the traditional solution of using third party tools like Auto It. The interviewer told me that Selenium has made great strides and that my answer was outdated. I took some online references but was unable to understand...
  3. AlishS

    Windows 7 Permit HTML material to be published.

    Recently, I encountered an interview question. You have completed an ASP.NET application with .NET framework 3.5. You plan to submit text with HTML tags to a page in the application. You need to make sure that the HTML code will be submitted without causing any disruption to other programs...
  4. AlishS

    Windows 11 Is this code correct?

    I learn javascript from an online resource. I got to this example. Is there any possibility how to write this code "better"? Is it not antiquated? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h1>JavaScript Arrays</h1> <p>The best way to loop through an array is using a standard for loop:</p> <p...
  5. AlishS

    Android Scala literal identifiers require explanation (backticks)

    Yes, that is correct. By putting the word 'yield' in backticks, you are telling the Scala compiler to use the yield function from the Java Thread class instead of the Scala one. This allows you to access features from Java classes that might otherwise be unavailable in Scala due to name...
  6. AlishS

    Mac OS C++ | Implement your own timer library | Embedded System | Operating System

    Design a software timer handler that triggers a specific function that gets executed when a timeout event occurs. Say there are 10 tasks that come in, each will have a timeout value and each will have a unique function to be called on timeout. You have one HW timer and need to handle this in...
  7. AlishS

    Windows 10 How to get PHP errors ?

    If you are still not seeing the errors, it may be because your hosting provider is overriding the settings in your php.ini file. You can contact your hosting provider to check if there is any setting to override your own settings. If that is the case, you may need to ask them to make an...
  8. AlishS

    Learn to build great Progressive Web Apps

    Progressive web apps are Web Applications that load like regular web pages or websites but can offer users functionality such as working offline, push notifications, and device hardware access traditionally available only to native mobile applications.
  9. AlishS

    Android Python string find() examples

    1. Find a substring in a string: >>> s = "this is a string" >>> s.find("is") 2 2. Find a substring in a string, starting at a given index: >>> s.find("is", 3) -1 3. Find a substring in a string, using a given start and end index: >>> s.find("is", 3, 6) -1
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