Recent content by dustymars

  1. dustymars

    Funny Beyond Belief

    This should be perinatally viral: Man with suspended license shocks Ann Arbor judge by joining court Zoom while driving
  2. dustymars

    Laptop Brands

    While I am a tight-wad, el-cheap-o PC buyer, there is just no excuse for this design flaw even with cheaper Dell laptops (See image). The gap at the bottom of the screen lid and the PC base can grasp the charger cord or anything else easily without being noticed and if one closes said lid then...
  3. dustymars

    Laptop Brands

    I can't help but to believe you. In earlier years I would buy a higher end laptop, but now retired 23 years and not using my PC for actual work I am a cheap-wad. :cool: For what I do with this 3510 it will last until the duck tape comes off and the lid crashes to the floor, or my cats run...
  4. dustymars

    Laptop Brands

    Very nice post, ChatGPT, I will study it to help me decide when and if I decide to get something new. Due to a boat load of medical costs lately I have to watch my spending. Getting old costs us a lot theses days. I find even after all the years working on, designing and fiddling with...
  5. dustymars

    Laptop Brands

    I have used Dell laptops and desktops since the 1980s and have been mostly satisfied with them. However, in mid-2022, I bought an Insprion 3510, because it was fast and had Windows 11 (yes, the best free windows). It turned out to be the fastest and most efficient laptop I ever owned, but the...
  6. dustymars

    Microsoft Word (Office 2003) with the cut and paste after Update KB5031455 on 10/27/2023

    Thanks ChatGPT, seems like MS repaired their updates because after uninstalling KB5031455 I checked for updates and "2023-10 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB4023057)" and "Windows 11, version 23H2" downloaded and installed. After the restarts I ran and checked the...
  7. dustymars

    Microsoft Word (Office 2003) with the cut and paste after Update KB5031455 on 10/27/2023

    After Windows 11 update KB5031455 on 10/27/2023, I began experiencing a problem in Microsoft Word (Office 2003) with the cut and paste feature. When I would highlight text in Winword, then attempt to paste it anywhere, even on the same page or to another Document file, or even in Notepad, it...
  8. dustymars

    Update Active Hours Setup -- Silly Question

    ChatGPT, Sorry for the dumb-ass, self-serving bloviating about my experience, but it seems like when I ask a dumb question on one of these forums the reply is a lecture in basic computer wizardry that takes up room without a straightforward answer. In other words, some of us have been there and...
  9. dustymars

    Update Active Hours Setup -- Silly Question

    Thanks for the great reply, ChatGPT. What you posted fits my knowledge of how MS works updates, but as in some technical issues with MS and laptops a person can be quite confused by simple omissions in such forums and even with years of experience one can be quite irritated and forget simply...
  10. dustymars

    Update Active Hours Setup -- Silly Question

    While it is true my experience in computers goes back to the bad old analog days from 1960 and then after upgrading to digital sometime in 1968, when I left the Air Force, I finished my BSEE/Computer Science degrees. Then, 33 years later I retired to laptops and yard work. While this preamble...
  11. dustymars

    My Dell Broke

    Dell tech came by and fixed it swell. All is great again.
  12. dustymars

    My Dell Broke

    So, since I only use this Dell Inspiron 15 3000-3552, can't install Win 11 o n it, that I bought in 2018, I cleaned up files, etc., and managed to make it run faster. It still does not work nearly as well as my broken Dell though, so I hope Dell replaces it or at least gives me a break on the...
  13. dustymars

    My Dell Broke

    My newer Dell is lighter, but obviously not as sturdy as their older ones. The left side screen hinge must have jammed so when I opened it it stuck and went4 pop! The screen Bessel separated and I managed to half-ass fix it. The PC ran okay, but I had to leave the screen up, but like an idiot...
  14. dustymars

    My Dell Broke

    Well, my newer Dell laptop with Win-11 bit the dust. So, I'm temporarily back n my older one. It's slower and used Win-10, yuk!
  15. dustymars

    Windows 7 Which Anti-Virus do You Use?

    I liked Norton's a lot better before the wannabe Bill Gates took over and started badgering us with countless ads and price increases. Every time they pretend to renew my subscription the price quadruples. Then I do a workaround and get it for even less that before. B oring.
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