Windows 8 Anyone else here waiting impatiently for ESO?


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Microsoft Community Contributor

I've signed up for beta with 3 different accounts, but I haven't gotten in.
I've heard that 3 million people signed up.

I'm really looking forward to having something new to play.
I've beta tested almost every major MMO since Asheron's Call but I may not get to do this one.

I've played The Secret World since beta, and I've gone back to playing Age of Conan for a while just for a change but I really need a new game to start on.

I play with my friend Paul who is 77 and we talk on Skype while we play but we've gone through WOW, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings Online, and The Secret World together.

It's time for a change. LOL

No- just looking for some games that are not child orientated ( all that the microsoft store seems able to suppy) and don't involve sport or killing everything in sight!
What' wanted are some decent, old style adventures!

I've played ESO now since beta, (I did finally get in) and I just started playing a new character again with my friend Paul.
I love ESO, but if you want a real old style adventure game get The Witcher 3!

This is in my opinion the greatest RPG ever and I've been playing them for over 20 years.

I've played all the way through it twice and I'm waiting for the second new content package that will be coming out some time this year.

The game is not child oriented, in fact totally inappropriate for kids.

Great story line, great combat and great graphics who could ask for more.

Totally fun to play.

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