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Last April (2016) I purchased Office 2013 pro from NerdsforLess and received a product key which I applied to download from MS website. A couple weeks ago this product was deactivated by MS. I could not apply product key either over the Internet or by phone. I talked to MS tech support who told me that the product key had been leaked and that the seller (NerdsforLess) would give me a replacement key. Bob, at NerdsforLess, denied he knew anything about the key being leaked (he actually accused me of leaking the key--yeah right, a personal, professional person is going to sell a key as opposed to a large discount reseller!) and refused to refund my purchase price or provide me with a replacement key. My question is: How can MS justify deactivating my product key when I have proof I paid for the product and there is no way to know who leaked the key? MS did not consult me on this and as far as I can tell, did not research the leaking, so how come I get screwed when I played by the rules (paying for a product and properly registering it)? Thank you for any comments.
Microsoft states in their EULA that if you purchased the software you can return it within 30 days. If the original seller will not return it Microsoft will.
Obviously I'd assume you want to keep and use the software so you may need to call and ask for a manager this will usually get you better results either with nerdsforless or through MS and may get you a new license.

Microsoft EULAs
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Microsoft Return Policy
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Neemobeer, thanks for that suggestion, I'll try it. Would you happen to have the 'right' number to call? Yesterday, I found (800) 642-7676 but had to submit to a 3 hour call back window. I've always had trouble with MS getting a human solution. Thanks again, Neemobeer.
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