Windows 8 Modeling a Database for an Appointment System


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I am developing an online booking platform that enables teachers to arrange online conversations with students. Teachers can indicate the dates and times they are available for virtual meetings.
Students are able to find available teachers by entering the date, time, and duration for interviews.
But there are a problem. For example, if a teacher available 9.00 to 10.00 pm. And, if a student make reservation for 9.30 to 9.45 pm., I should create two available time to 9.00 to 9.30 and 9.45 to 10.00 pm. I think dynamically creating new available times is difficult process. I think a best solution should be. Also, I need some extra time for preparing teacher next conservation. Can u help me about modelling that. I can not find anything about it. There are a lot of room booking system. But not like this. Thank you!

Edit: Actually I am asking this question with performance anxiety. Does this process exhaust the server when the data grows? Should I find another solution instead?
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