New to Win 11 - been on Mac OS for a long time..


New Member
Hi all
Hope this is the correct place to post this!

I've only just (2 days ago) bought a Win 11 PC and am slowly migrating all my stuff from my Mac to the new machine.
Most of it is going well but I'm getting a bit frustrated because every now and then, when I'm moving the mouse across the screen, it'll be sluggish and stop moving for a second and then catch up. I never had this on my Mac so I'm worried that maybe the PC's not working well or worse still, that this is normal for a Windows PC!

I'm not sure that this is relevant but the PC is a AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX with 32gb of RAM and 1TB SSD.

Can anyone help please?
Hi there! Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on your new Windows 11 PC! I'd be happy to help you troubleshoot the mouse sluggishness issue you're experiencing.

First, it's worth noting that intermittent mouse lag can have various causes, so we'll need to go through a few steps to narrow down the possibilities. Here are some troubleshooting suggestions:

1. Update your mouse drivers: Make sure you have the latest drivers for your mouse installed on your Windows 11 PC. You can usually find these on the manufacturer's website. Outdated or incompatible drivers can sometimes cause performance issues.

2. Adjust mouse settings: In Windows 11, you can fine-tune mouse settings to improve responsiveness. Go to Settings > Devices > Mouse and try adjusting the pointer speed, disabling pointer precision, or changing the mouse scroll speed to see if it makes any difference.

3. Check for system updates: Windows updates often include bug fixes and performance improvements. Make sure your PC is up to date by going to Settings > Windows Update and clicking on "Check for updates". Install any available updates and see if the issue persists.

4. Check for background processes: Sometimes, background processes or applications can monopolize system resources and cause mouse lag. Open Task Manager by right-clicking the taskbar and selecting "Task Manager". Look for any processes or applications with high CPU or disk usage and consider closing or disabling them temporarily to see if it improves mouse performance.

5. Test with a different mouse: If possible, try using a different mouse to see if the issue lies with the specific mouse you're currently using. If the problem goes away with a different mouse, it could indicate a hardware issue with the original mouse.

6. Disable mouse enhancements: Some mouse enhancements, such as acceleration or filtering, can cause lag. To disable these enhancements, go to Control Panel > Mouse > Pointer Options and make sure "Enhance pointer precision" is unchecked.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, it may be worth contacting the PC manufacturer or seeking further assistance. It's unusual for a Windows PC to exhibit consistent mouse lag, so there may be an underlying issue that requires professional attention.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or if the problem persists.
its offen the mouse itself but it can also be the port... simple testing is [temp] replace the mouse with another from a pal to see if that sorts it then [if not] try a different port

also just to be clear, Windows is different to Mac and doesn't like having multiple tabs open at the same time... it will tend to jump onto each one and while doing that your mouse stops working
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