Windows 8 New Unigine Benchmark


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Valley Benchmark is a new GPU stress-testing tool from the developers of the very popular and highly acclaimed Heaven Benchmark. The forest-covered valley surrounded by vast mountains amazes with its scale from a bird’s-eye view and is extremely detailed down to every leaf and flower petal. This non-synthetic benchmark powered by the state-of-the art UNIGINE Engine showcases a comprehensive set of cutting-edge graphics technologies with a dynamic environment and fully interactive modes available to the end user.


  • Extreme hardware stability testing
  • Per-frame GPU temperature and clock monitoring
  • Multi-platform: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
  • Advanced visual technologies: dynamic sky, volumetric clouds, sun shafts, DOF, ambient occlusion
  • Multi-Platform support for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
  • 64 000 000 square meters of extremely detailed, seamless terrain
  • Procedural object placement of vegetation and rocks
  • The entire valley is free to be explored in interactive fly-by or hike-through modes
  • User-controlled dynamic weather
  • Support for stereo 3D and multi-monitor configurations
  • Benchmarking presets
  • Command line automation support
  • Highly customizable reports in CSV format

System Requirements


  • GPU:
    • ATI Radeon HD 4xxx and higher
    • NVIDIA GeForce 8xxx and higher
    • Intel HD 3000 and higher
  • Video memory: 512 Mb
  • Disk space: 1.5 Gb
Operating system:

  • MS Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8

Valley Benchmark | Unigine: real-time 3D engine (game, simulation, visualization and VR)
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as far as the info is concerned it is good to catch up with.. but my query is about what the new it has brought as there are many similar configuration products are into the markets .. could i get some link about the review of this new one as it'll help me to decide the best thing it has to me...
Windows 8 laptop question?
hey i have a window 8 laptop and i was wondering could i buy a window 7 disc from amazon and boot it up or do i have to downgrade windows 8 first. because ii don't really like windows 8 but had to buy it since their was no more windows 7 laptop left. so is their anyway to get window 7 on my windows 8 thanks. and if theirs something extra i need to buy to do this please tell me.

There is no downgrade support. Backup critical files and do a clean install. You would likely want the full licensed copy of Windows 7 Pro. This may be an expensive step in the wrong direction. You could remove most issues with the Modern UI for $10USD using Stardock Start8 and ModernMix. Downgrading may cause future problems with the upgrade path to future versions of the OS.

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kemical: Thanks for posting this new video GPU benchmark; Awesome! I'm pretty sure I don't have anywhere near the GPU video power to really see this properly. But, I will keep in mind for testing the few Gaming systems I get in. :shocked:

I know it was a long time ago now but I missed your post for some reason... Thanks BigBearJedi.. :)
No problem, kemical. Yeah, that was weird about the delay; 2 years?!

You're welcome. Catch you later.

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