Re: forum rules/policies


Senior Member
I tried to look for forum rules and policies, but my search failed.
I need to know for certain what is the forum policy on Spamming.
To be precise, what is considered spamming and what is not.
if a person posts a link to a 3rd party program without specifying that it will cost $69.
Is that spamming?

In other forums it is considered as spamming. Apparently not so in this forum.
I would like a clarification so that I'll know what to tell the OPs in the future.

Thank you.
I don't make the rules, but personally I don't believe that just providing a link is spamming, whether free or paid, unless the person posting the link has a vested interest in what the link provides. That may not be known, but if a person persists in linking the same item too often, that may be a good indication that he does.
It depends. If the link is provided in an attempt to help someone, that shouldn't be considered a spam. But if someone posted a link for no reason, that's another story.
As long as the link provided is in keeping with the spirit of the conversation and issue then it's not considered spamming. If someone simply joined to post a link then it would be deemed spam and the user banned. This is of course taken on a post by post nature.
As long as the link provided is in keeping with the spirit of the conversation and issue then it's not considered spamming. If someone simply joined to post a link then it would be deemed spam and the user banned. This is of course taken on a post by post nature.
Amen. Advertisers are like bots, which they oftentimes are, they repeat what they just repeated, and they never have anything true to say. I don't mind someone recommending me a good software, with cost or not, but it has to come with some substance.

Bull is bull. :down:
Amen. Advertisers are like bots, which they oftentimes are, they repeat what they just repeated, and they never have anything true to say. I don't mind someone recommending me a good software, with cost or not, but it has to come with some substance.

Bull is bull. :down:
True, if people have legitimate products and/or services that they would like to promote on the site, we do not necessarily turn advertisers away. I have overseen video reviews and worked with some of the top industry leaders to promote their products at a very low rate, but it really does take a bite out of all of the time and effort that has been put on this site to use it as an open marketplace to hock junkware around. And when you start spamming online forums, then your marketing strategy involves not developing software that can stand on its own two feet. We give individual and start-up developers the opportunity to upload their resource in the Resource Manager, and it is not used much. But, we also have some very committed individuals, such as the author of the "Splinter" software, which can be found on here. The majority of spam we do receive is overwhelmingly blocked.
What I enjoy about this Forum is, moderators and administrators give space, they don't attack you the minute you do something they don't like. Not to forget that we do all have an obligation to act properly.

To give half a minute to a classic, You give a hungry man a fish, and he'll be back tomorrow for another one. You teach the man how to fish, and he'll be able to support himself.

Presenting software is important, but concerning advertisers and bots and spammers and hackers and that kind of stuff I'd say, nuke them. :cool:
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