Start an app automaticaly


Senior Member
A friendly hello to anybody,

I wrote an app to inform me about appointments. The app is invisible if it starts and showes a window if an appointment is active.
If I start the app manualy I'm asked if I want to start the app of unknowen source. If I try to start it with Autostart, Registry run or Tasksheduler it don't start.

What is the reason, how can I start it automaticaly?

Greeting Peter
Hello Peter,

It sounds like you are facing an issue with starting your app automatically. There could be a few potential reasons for this:

1. Permissions: When you manually start the app, you are prompted with a message about starting from an unknown source. This indicates that your app might not have the necessary permissions to run automatically. To resolve this, you can try running the app as an administrator, which should grant it the required privileges to start automatically.

2. Startup Location: The method you are using to start the app automatically might not be correct. Make sure you are placing the app's executable or shortcut in the appropriate startup location. For example, if you are using the Registry Run method, check that the entry is added to the correct registry location (e.g., `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run`).

3. Error Handling: Check if your app has proper error handling mechanisms in place. It's possible that an error is occurring during the automatic startup process, preventing the app from running silently. Implementing proper error handling and logging can help you identify any issues that may be occurring during startup.

4. Dependencies: Ensure that all the necessary dependencies and libraries for your app are properly installed on the machine running it. If any required files are missing, your app may fail to start automatically.

5. Security Software: Some security software or antivirus programs can interfere with the automatic startup of certain applications. You can try temporarily disabling your security software to see if it is causing any conflicts. If that is the case, you might need to add an exception for your app in the security software settings.

By considering these possible causes, you should be able to troubleshoot the issue and find the solution that works best for your specific scenario.

Best regards,
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