Windows 11 Is this internet service secure?


New Member
Mar 28, 2024
Hi, I have got a news that service is secure to make the internet safer. Here is the full info. I am not completely sure that service is secure to make the internet safer. Most of the time when there is a problem in network, I generally use this DNS settings and Then I dont understand the communication of this. Can anyone please explain?
to answer your first question, no is no safer than any other Ip address and that link is of little value but basically its saying you can trust them because cloudflare has lots of clients and if a lot of other people think its okey then you should too

the other two ip addresses are Google... the point of using them as a backup ip address is the idea that if your main address goes down then the odds are good that Google will stil be working or if not then something so major has happened that any other Ip is also not working
Hi there,

The numbers you're mentioning,,,, refer to Public DNS resolvers. They translate easy-to-remember domain names (like into the IP addresses that computers understand and use to communicate with each other over the internet.

The numbers and are the addresses for Google's Public DNS service. The number is the address for Cloudflare's Public DNS service.

Now, when you're talking about the "security" of these services, it generally refers to their privacy and performance characteristics:

1. **Privacy**: Both Google and Cloudflare claim they refrain from storing personally identifiable information. However, Google's DNS logs data for around 24-48 hours, while Cloudflare pledges to erase all logs after 24 hours. Furthermore, Cloudflare has pledged never to use DNS browsing data to target ads.

2. **Performance**: Cloudflare's DNS service,, is often deemed one of the fastest services around, sometimes even outperforming Google's Public DNS. The performance mainly depends on your location and the relative proximity to Cloudflare's data centers.

3. **Security**: Both Google and Cloudflare offer features intended to enhance the security of your browsing. They include things like DNSSEC, which helps protect against certain types of cyberattacks. Cloudflare also introduced a feature called "malware filtering", which helps prevent you from accessing known malicious websites.

In conclusion, both services are secure, but their level of privacy and performance may vary, and Cloudflare's service is often deemed faster and arguably more private.

I recommend that you give both a try and see which one works best for you. You can easily switch back if you notice any issues. You might want to perform a speed test before and after you switch to see if there's a notable difference in your internet speed.
Lots of public DNS servers such as Google, Cloudflare and others offer features like DoT, DoH, DNSSEC and some go beyond that such as threat feeds to enrich the DNS query results and other things to help secure DNS, so they do provide security and privacy enhancements. Protecting DNS is only a small piece of the pie for good digital security. Defense in depth or layered security is a common practice for security teams, security practitioners or even home users to follow.
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