On This Day in History day-by-day

On This Day in History: Wednesday, Oct 05, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1829, Chester A. Arthur, 21st President from (1881 - 1884).
--> 1882, Robert Hutchings Goddard, father of modern rocketry.
--> 1905, Ray Kroc, who gave Ronald McDonald a job.
--> 1919, Allen Ludden
--> 1923, Glynis Johns
--> 1923, Phillip Berrigan
--> 1975, Kate Winslet, actress, "Rose, Titanic".

Events on this day in history:

--> 1921, First radio broadcast of the World Series.
--> 1970, PBS becomes a network.

And don't forget...

--> Ashley-Whippet dog frisbee championships start in Washington DC.
On This Day in History: Friday, Oct 07, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1885, Niels Bohr, physicist & Nobel laureate, expanded quantum physics.
--> 1951, John Mellencamp, singer/songwriter.
--> 1961, Judy Landers, actress.
--> 1966, Toni Braxton, Singer.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1826, Granite Railway (first chartered railway in US) begins operations.
--> 1916, Georgia Tech beats Cumberland University 222-0. (Football!)
--> 1956, The first perfect World Series game is pitched by Don Larson of The New York Yankee's.
On This Day in History: Monday, Oct 10, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1738, Benjamin West, painter.
--> 1813, Giuseppe Verdi, composer of operas.
--> 1900, Helen Hayes
--> 1930, Harold Pinter
--> 1946, Ben Vereen, actor.
--> 1955, David Lee Roth, singer, songwriter.
--> 1958, Tanya Tucker, singer.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1886, Griswold Lorillard wears the first dinner jacket to the AutumnBall in Tuxedo Park. Thus the name "tuxedo."
--> 1911, The Manchu Dynasty is overthrown in China.
--> 1980, Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope network dedicated.

And don't forget...

Columbus Day. Join the parade.
Discoverer's Day (celebrated in Hawaii.)
Canadian Thanksgiving Day.
--> National Day, celebrated in Taiwan.
On This Day in History: Wednesday, Oct 12, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1932, Dick Gregory
--> 1935, Luciano Pavarotti, tenor.
Events on this day in history:

--> 1823, Charles Macintosh of Scotland begins selling the raincoats.
--> 1933, Alcatraz becomes a federal prison (unofficially.)
--> 1957, First commercial flight between California and Antartica.

And don't forget...

--> The REAL Columbus Day.
On This Day in History: Friday, Oct 14, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1857, Elwood Haynes, auto pioneer, built one of the first US autos.
--> 1890, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President from (1953 - 1961).
--> 1894, E.E. Cummings, poet.
--> 1896, Lillian Gish, actress.
--> 1924, Moore, Roger Moore, ex 007.
--> 1979, "Usher" Raymond IV, singer, songwriter, actor.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1066, Battle of Hastings, in which William the Conqueror wins England.
--> 1774, First declaration of colonial rights in America.
--> 1947, First supersonic flight (Mach 1.015 at 42,000 feet.) The sound barrier is broken by Chuck Yeager.
On This Day in History: Friday, Oct 21, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1833, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, created dynamite and Peace Prizes.
--> 1917, Dizzy Gillespie, trumpeter, a creator of modern jazz.
--> 1956, Carrie Fisher, actress, princess.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1805, Battle of Trefalgar, where Nelson established British navalsupremacy for the next century.
--> 1868, Severe earthquake hits California at 7:53 am.
--> 1869, First shipment of fresh oysters comes overland from Baltimore.
--> 1879, Thomas Edison commercially perfects the light bulb.

And don't forget...

--> The annual 48-hour Marx Brothers film festival, Tampa, FL. begins.
On This Day in History: Monday, Oct 24, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1940, F. Murry Abraham
--> 1947, Kevin Kline, actor.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1945, United Nations Charter goes into effect.
--> 1992, International red beans and rice festival, Jackson MI.

And don't forget...

--> United Nations Day.
On This Day in History: Friday, Oct 28, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1466, Erasmus, scholar, author of "In Praise of Folly."
--> 1846, Auguste Escoffier, "the king of chefs & the chef of kings."
--> 1914, Dr. Jonas Salk, who made polio a fear of the past.
--> 1939, Jane Alexander
--> 1944, Dennis Franz, actor "NYPD Blue".
--> 1949, Bruce Jenner, athlete, who liked his Wheaties.
--> 1955, Bill Gates, Computer Software entrepreneur-executive.
--> 1963, Lauren Holly, actress, "Picket Fences".
--> 1967, Julia Roberts, actress, "Pretty Woman".

Events on this day in history:

--> 1492, Columbus discovers Cuba.
--> 1636, Harvard University founded.
--> 1886, Statue of Liberty dedicated.
--> 1904, St. Louis Police try a new investigation method - fingerprints.
--> 1919, Volstead Act passed by Congress, starting Prohibition.
--> 1965, The Gateway Arch (630 feet high) completed in St. Louis, Missouri.
On This Day in History: Saturday, Oct 29, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1740, James Boswell, Samuel Johnson's biographer.
--> 1947, Richard Dreyfuss, actor.
--> 1948, Kate Jackson, actress, angel.
--> 1971, Winona Laura Horwitz, - aka Winona Ryder, actress.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1833, First College Fraternity founded.
--> 1863, International Committee of the Red Cross founded.
--> 1894, First election of the Hawaiian Republic.
--> 1904, The first intercity trucking service goes into business with a route between Colorado City and Snyder, Texas.
--> 1923, Turkey is proclaimed to have a republican government.
--> 1929, "Black Tuesday", the Stock Market crash.
--> 1939, Golden Gate International Exposition closes (first closure.)
--> 1956, "Goodnight, David" "Goodnight, Chet" heard on NBC for first time. (Chet Huntley & David Brinkley, NBC News, team up.)
--> 1974, Muhammad Ali defeats George Foreman.

And don't forget...

--> Republic Day, celebrated in Turkey.
Set your clock back 1 hour tonight (Daylight Savings Time ends.)
On This Day in History: Monday, Oct 31, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1931, Dan Rather, news anchor.
--> 1950, Margaret Jane Pauley, - aka Jane Pauley, Dateline, new anchor.
--> 1973, Chris Tucker, actor.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1815, Sir Humphrey Davy of London patents the miner's safety lamp.
--> 1956, Brooklyn, NY ends streetcar service.

And don't forget...

--> All Hallows Eve (you know, Halloween.)
On This Day in History: Wednesday, Nov 02, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1734, Daniel Boone, coonskin cap model and hunter.
--> 1795, James K. Polk, 11th President from (1845 - 1849).
--> 1865, Warren G. Harding, 29th President from (1921 - 1923).
--> 1885, Harlow Shapley, US astronomer.
--> 1913, Burt Lancaster, actor.
--> 1936, Rose Bird
--> 1961, K.D. Lang, singer/songwriter.
--> 1966, David Schwimmer, actor "FRIENDS".

Events on this day in history:

--> 1917, Lansing-Ishii Agreement is signed.
--> 1920, KDKA (Pittsburgh) on the air as first commercial radio station.
--> 1936, The world's first TV broadcasting service is inaugurated by the British Broadcasting Corporation in London.
--> 1947, Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose flies for first (& last) time.
--> 1948, Truman beats Dewey, confounding pollsters and newspapers.

And don't forget...

--> North & South Dakota Admission Day.
On This Day in History: Friday, Nov 04, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1879, Will Rogers, who never met a man he didn't like.
--> 1916, Walter Cronkite, "...and that's the way it is."
--> 1918, Art Carney, actor, comedian.
--> 1954, Yanni Chrysomillis, musician, pianist.
--> 1969, Sean Combs - aka Puffy.
--> 1969, Matthew McConaughey, actor.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1854, Lighthouse established on Alcatraz Island.
--> 1879, James Ritty patents the first cash register, to combat stealing by bartenders in his Dayton, Ohio saloon.
--> 1922, Howard Carter discovers the tomb of Tutankhamen.
--> 1924, First woman governor in US elected in Wyoming.
--> 1957, "Laika", becomes first dog to be lauched into space.
On This Day in History: Monday, Nov 07, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1867, Madame Marie Curie, discovered radium.
--> 1918, Billy Graham, televangelist.
--> 1922, Al Hirt
--> 1943, Joni Mitchell

Events on this day in history:

--> 1805, Lewis and Clark first sighted the Pacific Ocean.
--> 1811, Battle of Tippecanoe, gives Harrison a presidential slogan.
--> 1874, First cartoon to use the elephant as the symbol of the Republican Party appears in Harper's Weekly. It was drawn by Thomas Nast.
--> 1875, Verney Cameron is first European to cross equatorial Africa from sea to sea.
--> 1885, Canada completes its own transcontinental railway.

And don't forget...

--> Sadie Hawkins Day (the ladies take the initiative!)
On This Day in History: Wednesday, Nov 09, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1918, Florence Chadwick
--> 1918, Spiro Agnew, vice president.
--> 1934, Carl Sagan, who has BILLIONS and BILLIONS of admirers.
--> 1952, Lou Ferrigno, weightlifter, HULK!

Events on this day in history:

--> 1965, Giant power failure in New England & Ontario, Canada.
--> 1989, The Berlin Wall is opened, hundreds of thousands of East Germans, run into West Germany.
On This Day in History: Friday, Nov 11, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1821, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, author, "Crime and Punishment."
--> 1885, General George S. Patton. "Old Blood and Guts."
--> 1904, Alger Hiss
--> 1904, Sam Spiegel
--> 1922, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., author.
--> 1925, Johnathon Winters, actor, comedian.
--> 1962, Demi Moore, actress.
--> 1964, Calista Flockhart, actress.
--> 1974, Leonardo Dicaprio, "Jack" Titanic.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1790, Chrysanthemums are introduced into England from China --Spelling bee judges cheer!
--> 1889, Washington admitted as the 42nd state.
--> 1918, World War I ends.
--> 1924, Palace of Legion of Honor is dedicated.
--> 1982, Space Shuttle "Columbia" makes first commercial flight.

And don't forget...

--> The REAL Veteran's Day. They fought for your freedom. Remember them!
On This Day in History: Wednesday, Nov 16, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1873, William Handy, established the popularity of the blues in band music.
--> 1901, George Gallop, what's your opinion?
--> 1908, Bergess Meredith, actor.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1841, N.E. Guerin of New York receives a patent for his cork filled life preserver.
--> 1933, Roosevelt establishes diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.
--> 1963, The touch tone phone is introduced.
On This Day in History: Friday, Nov 18, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1789, Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre, developed a method of photography.
--> 1836, Sir W.S. Gilbert, playwright (of Gilbert & Sullivan fame.)
--> 1908, Imogene Coca
--> 1923, Alan Sheppard, first American into space.
--> 1928, Mickey Mouse, sired by Walt Disney's pen.
--> 1939, Brenda Vaccaro, actress.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1889, Oahu Railway begins public service in Hawaii.
--> 1903, Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, gives US exclusive canal rights through Panama.
--> 1820, Antarctica discovered by US Navy Captain Nathaniel B. Palmer.
--> 1928, Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse debuts in New York in "Steamboat Willie".
--> 1936, Main span of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge joined.
On This Day in History: Monday, Nov 21, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1694, Voltaire, thinker.
--> 1787, Sir Samuel Cunard, founded first regular Atlantic steamship line.
--> 1904, Coleman Hawkins, virtually created the tenor saxophone for jazz.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1794, Honolulu Harbor is discovered.
--> 1871, Emilio Onra, the first human cannon ball is lauched.
--> 1959, Jack Benny (Violin) & Richard Nixon (Piano) play their famed duet.
--> 1964, The Verrazanno Narrows Bridge (Brooklyn to Staten Island) opens, becoming the world's longest suspension bridge.
On This Day in History: Wednesday, Nov 23, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1804, Franklin Pierce, 14th President from (1853 - 1857).
--> 1887, Boris Karloff, boogey-man.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1852, Just past midnight, a sharp jolt causes Lake Merced to drop 30 feet.
--> 1863, patent granted for a process of making color photographs.
--> 1889, The first jukebox is installed, at a saloon in San Francisco.
--> 1986, Vincent Paxton, sets a new world record, by playing his guitar for 300 consecutive hours.
On This Day in History: Monday, Nov 21, 2011

Famous people born on this day:

--> 1694, Voltaire, thinker.
--> 1787, Sir Samuel Cunard, founded first regular Atlantic steamship line.
--> 1904, Coleman Hawkins, virtually created the tenor saxophone forjazz.

Events on this day in history:

--> 1794, Honolulu Harbor is discovered.
--> 1871, Emilio Onra, the first human cannon ball is lauched.
--> 1959, Jack Benny (Violin) & Richard Nixon (Piano) play their famed duet.

--> 1964, The Verrazanno Narrows Bridge (Brooklyn to Staten Island) opens, becoming the world's longest suspension bridge.
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