Windows 7 Why does my Network not work in Hyper V Windows 7


Honorable Member
Hey Guys,

I have installed Windows 7 into Hyper V, given it 2 cores and 2 Gig of memory, all runs rather well :joyous: However I cant for the life of me get the Network/Internet to work on it. On the Network settings all I get is "Not Connected" and no other choices available.

Can anyone shed some light on why this might be?


Hey Basher, how's it going.
When you first configured Hyper-V in Hyper-V Manager, did you create a new "Virtual Switch" and configure that to use either a seperate dedicated network adapter or else make sure you checked the box that says "Allow managementg operating system to share this network adapter"?
And when setting up the new Virtual Machine when you got to the part where you configure the network, did you change it from "Not Connected" to the New Virtual Switch that you created previously?
Hey Randy,

I am great thanks quite busy which I am not complaining about :) Yourself?

I haven't done anything with the manager as such, saw Hyper V and installed Win 7 to see if I could get flash to work through it as I have problems with flash playing in Windows 8. My solution has been to use system image to create an image of Windows 8 on one drive and windows 7 on another drive and swap between them when I get fed up of not being able to watch YouTube and BBCIplayer etc. :joyous:

Will follow your advise tomorrow - will I have to reinstall window 7?


Very well, thanks and glad to hear you're doing well also.
Nope you shouldn't have to reinstall anything. Just open Hyper-V Manager at add the new "External" Virtual Switch and then with the 7 VM off, add it to the setting under network adapters. Should be good to go. When you have the chance to beat up on it, maybe hit me with another post and we can compare notes if you run into issues.
As an aside note Hyper-V in Windows 8 CP, is no VMware Workstation. I suspect there will be some updates sooner or later.
Device manager is sketchy, with some unknown devices that I haven't sorted out yet. No apparent support for sound devices.
Maybe a big deal on the Server side if a big shop is going to be virtualizing their Exchange and SQL machines, but for the average everyday desktop user, I'll stick with my VMware Workstation 8. I suspect even the free Player version would work as well.
Just my two cents. Still early in the game though.
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