Windows Vista Will Vista be worth it?



the last thing i want to do is install windows vista when it comes out the door and get stuck for 6 hours trying to find drivers for everything. yes this happened with my XP install. yes this happened with my 2K install.. ME.. 98...

ive been looking for the features list on this thing trying to figure out what i need it for

one of my gripes this is as significant as windows 95. windows vista is not going to run some new 128-bit programs or something... as a regular old pc user what is it going to do for me. if it is going to do something amazing besides display a fancy GUI wheres the facts?

i dont need a $200 upgrade to search my files in a few seconds. i can download that for free these days

and this isnt a flame. im actually hoping im wrong about all this
Have you visited the Vista website? Theirs a descriptive feature list of all the changes.
Obsolete said:
the last thing i want to do is install windows vista when it comes out the door and get stuck for 6 hours trying to find drivers

Welcome to the forums! That is a big concern of mine too. Here's hoping they streamline that problem.

ive been looking for the features list on this thing trying to figure out what i need it for

Believe it or not, you may not need to upgrade immediately. This all depends on what you are using your computer for. Some people might not choose to upgrade right away. I don't see it as a problem, but maybe MS would.

one of my gripes this is as significant as windows 95. windows vista is not going to run some new 128-bit programs or something... as a regular old pc user what is it going to do for me. if it is going to do something amazing besides display a fancy GUI wheres the facts?

i dont need a $200 upgrade to search my files in a few seconds. i can download that for free these days

and this isnt a flame. im actually hoping im wrong about all this

The biggest thing that interests me are the flash drives and the ability to use flash memory as RAM, as well as the performance increases... once I see some positive reports on performance I'll be satisfied with Windows Vista.

If you are not heavy into performance and just use your computer to manage e-mail and things of that nature, why upgrade? But if you look forward to better memory handling, compatibility with the latest processors, maybe you want to get it, as you say, "when it comes out the door"
does anyone know if there have been benchmarks of vista compared to xp?
The system specs are out there to run the new os. The problem is that the specs keep rising depending on the version and what you want it to do. Video card is the newest to get the full experiance of the 3D effects and more. The sad thing is there is no release of these so called cards til the end of this year. For the basic system just a 64 mb video card and a minimum of 512 DDR is required besides that as long as it is a pentium 4 3.0 your good to go. Gaming machine will be much more of a complete overhall which I am doing.
Windows 95/98 are not even in the same league as 2k/NT 4.0. XP has it's up's and down's.

I personally will not use vista. I support the project but I believe anything after 2k is a waste of time. If you are having that big of problems with finding things for 95/98 then it's a user error ;). 2k is more of a professional style OS and not a gaming system.

Now for the 64/128 bit comment. I'm sure there will be support for 32bit apps and such. Microsoft willnever completely kill off the whole 32bit apps and things that are supported by it. It's how they money comes in. It is good they are reaching out and trying new things and making the improvements that it needs but it will not be 100% reliable for another few years.

If your only concern is finding reliable drivers and components thenyou should read up more on search engines. Sometime's it may take me an hour just to find one driver because the conpany doesnt support it on their site anymore but I dont rule out the performance fo the OS and it's hardware.

Vista is good? Or Not?

OK, Ok Windows Vista...L:D L, It wil be bad. That being because They have a bad commandline and their kernels r not good. Dos Is old and weak, and so is windows, Windows Vista Copied some features from Mac OSX and Slapped windows vista's GUI, But thats not the point, the point is that yes windows is good for average use like businesses and for the internet, But for the real Things like Music, Movies and Photos, Macs r the way to go. So I have Concluded that Windows XP is horrible and so is vista.:D

---For Those Windows users, If u think ur using a good OS look into more.:eek:
I think not now if we must do a subscription to get updates and stuff. Why do the people that want to be safer and stuff just to pay out more for this so called suscription??????If they do away with this I'll stay with windows but if they don't Mac here I come.

Lets go back. What was the difference between 95 + 98. 98 had fewer bugs, (but still tons), and thats about it. What is the difference between 98 + 2000/NT? 200 had fewer bugs, and crashed less often. What is the difference between 2000/NT + XP? XP looks better, fixes barely any bugs, crashes a little less often, and adds a theme and features to compete with OSX. Do you see the pattern?

So, what is the difference between XP + Vista?
1. Vista took longer to make
2. It looks better
3. It crashes a little less
4. It copies features from Mac OS X so that it can compete with it

Clearly, XP is a better looking, more stable 95.
And Vista is a better looking, more stable version of XP (which is basically 95 but looks different)

So, how do you deal with this? Obviously Microsoft is barely upgrading their products so it can compete with OSX. If everyone kept buying windows and OSX was gone then Microsoft would never need to upgrade their computers.

Which leads to an interesting topic. Linux is better than windows, and it is free. But Linux sucks when it is time to search for an app, and it is hard to set up and use.

What if there was an easy to use (even easier than XP), stable, easy to install, powerfull version of Linux? There is, and it is called Mac OS X.

So, buy a mac? But there are "no games or apps for mac":
1. That isn't true, I have more games and apps than most PC users I know
2. You don't have to worry, Macs can boot to windows now.

So, if you buy a mac you get an easy to use powerfull operationg system that looks better and works better than vista ever will. AND WHEN A NEW PC GAME COMES OUT, YOU HOLD DOWN OPTION DURING STARTUP AND BOOT TO XP/VISTA.

There you go. XP/Vista for games, Mac OS X for everything else.

And don't complain about price, your getting something that lasts longer.
I don't care, spend $1300 on the "ultimate PC" (that your just going to have to upgrade)
Or get a Core Duo iMac, the thinest and best looking computer in the world.
(no thats not just a screen, thats a computer)
If you want to know about Windows Vista features, check out Link Removed - Invalid URL.

And also Link Removed - Invalid URL.


So, if you buy a mac you get an easy to use powerfull operationg system that looks better and works better than vista ever will. AND WHEN A NEW PC GAME COMES OUT, YOU HOLD DOWN OPTION DURING STARTUP AND BOOT TO XP/VISTA.

There you go. XP/Vista for games, Mac OS X for everything else.

And don't complain about price, your getting something that lasts longer.
I don't care, spend $1300 on the "ultimate PC" (that your just going to have to upgrade)

youll have to upgrade the Mac too.

so whats the difference?

im using windows xp and it works.

booting both is a waste of hd space and money --- and im not buying a new computer to do it

i dont need vista and i dont need a mac right now. as long as most of the programs work for windows xp ive got no reason to change
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