Windows 10 Windows 10 startup Sign in error

i recently updated to a windows 10 pc i was windows 7 before and when i was on windows 7 my windows kept crashing so to try and fix this problem i updated my pc to windows 10 with the free windows 10 updater it worked after a few downloads and install but i was playing on of my steam games called terraria and i suddenly got a red screen i know about the blue screen of death and for consoles red ring of death and so on but i have never got a red screen before so i waited a moment and it restarted and everything was fine in the morning i turned on my PC and it said sorry windows had trouble signing you in it wasn't that exactly but pretty much that so i asked my dad who used to work as fixing computors and he is kinda stomped as well after giving it a lil look over and help is appreciated because i cant play my games while its not working and its boring as hell sleeping and watching anime all day ;3 xD thanks for any help bye nyaw
so your system wont boot at all or it just wont play the steam games?
no i turn on my PC and it comes up with a box on the start menu after i put in my password saying failed to login then it comes up with any changes you make will be deleted everytime you restart or turn off this PC on my desktop i used to have tons of files like my steam games and other games but now its just 3 things chrome,skype,recycle bin and thats it i go into file explorer and it comes up in my c drive with all my files so i was confused and i think it has something to do with this red screen i got the other day i cant do anything if you know any help is very appreciated and my system starts up fine i just cant sign in like i put in my password it says configing windows and then says sorry cant sign in with a plain windows wallpaper and the apps i listed above and any games i cant play or anything for that matter
Yup Windows Defender is a fine tool but I'd still run a scan of Malwarebytes..

Other than that try the basics:

File scans
Right click on the Start menu icon and from the revealed list choose 'admin command prompt'. Type:
sfc /scannow
press enter and await results

In the same command prompt and after the above scan has finished type:
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
Press enter and await results (longer this time).

If the first scan found files it could not repair but the second scan is successful, run the first scan again using the same command prompt box and this time it should repair the files found.

Run a chkdsk:
Link Removed

Stress test the GPU using furmark:
FurMark: VGA Stress Test, Graphics Card and GPU Stability Test, Burn-in Test, OpenGL Benchmark and GPU Temperature | oZone3D.Net

Check the event log.

Your User profile might be corrupted:
How to Fix A Corrupt User Profile in Windows 10
at this point i would assume some part of the system hardware is unreachable... have you got another harddrive that can be formatted blank?
if so I would remove the current hdd and replace with a blank then install windows 10 onto this new dive
at this point i would assume some part of the system hardware is unreachable... have you got another harddrive that can be formatted blank?
if so I would remove the current hdd and replace with a blank then install windows 10 onto this new dive
Agreed.. Or if it's possible to go back to Windows 7 please do so and we'll sort out any crashes that might remain.

Just for future reference a clean install won't always fix things like crashing because there can be so many causes especially if it's hardware related.
i have 2 drives in my computer one from my old one and one that came with the new one the old one and the new one is nearly full so i dont know if i updated both or just one but your saying i should take out one and install windows 10 on it or take the main one back to windows 7
Well ideally, unless your dual booting, you only want one operating system installed at any one time. So assuming that your new drive is running Windows 10 remove the os which is on the old drive and then see how she boots up.
how would i remove the os from my old drive ?
What i would do is boot up as normal using the new drive and windows 10.

Open up the old drive and save anything important to the new drive just for now. Once you have got everything off the drive you want to save simply format the drive using the NTFS file system.
Like i said im dumb
Lol if you don't know that doesn't make you dumb... Anyway that's what we are here for to make life a little easier..

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