Windows 7 Windows 7 Installation Problems Solved!

First things first. Brand new discovery!
Did you know that it's impossible not to backing-up and lose your old files during Windows 7 installation?
That's right! Microsoft contradicting it-self in the first steps of installation preparation step by step information.
At first they say that we should back-up our old files as they WILL BE deleted.
Then they practically force an option of where our old Windows files will be backed up into Windows.old folder.
So the folders such as "Users, Program Files, Windows ...etc" will be stored in Windows.old folder.
And any other files created by you that are stored in "C:\" directory will remain untouched!

So don't worry about upgrading or backing up anything, since Windows 7 does it all for you!
My advice, just go with a clean install and you'll be safer that way. Now back to business...

Have you ever experienced a really bad day with such as Windows 7?

Possible solutions for your headache have finally arrived:
We need to try almost everything possible in our powers to locate and solve the problems, right? :)
NOTE: I'm gonna do these steps backwards like if we don't really know how to solve this quick!

"Burning the ISO Image on a DVD!"
How do I burn it correctly?

How to:
Better use Nero Burning-Rom.
To make sure that you burn it correctly without errors
1. You must use a non-used before DVD disc regardless of R or RW type.
2. Choose the lowest burning speed possible. I used x4 speed, seemed to went fine.
Open the ISO* image in Nero and choose a low speed and only then insert the DVD disc!
In order to check for errors and do it readable, mark options such as Finalize Disc and Verify Written Data.
And under burning process check the status to verify if it is writing with the speed you set it to write with!
In order to make sure it will do that, click on the button Burn and quickly roll in the DVD disc in your DVD-Drive.
To make sure your disc has been burned correctly. Insert your disc in the dvd-drive and go to My Computer.
Over your DVD-Drive you should see a light-blue Windows package standing up with a small disc in front of it.
If you still experiencing problems burning it at a certain speed? Try other burning programs or read on...

"Boot Installation of Windows 7 made impossible?"

Windows has encountered problem communicating with device connecting to your computer.
Status: 0xc00000e9
Info: An unexpected I/O error has occurred.

"or even such as": BOOTMGR Image is corrupt. System cannot boot.

Unplug your USB devices etc...
Even maybe press DEL on boot to enter BIOS and disable some stuff there...
In Windows you also could enter your Device Manager and disable some stuff there...
But all that probably won't work! ;) So read on to find out the final solution...

"Can't even install Windows 7 directly from your current working Windows XP/Vista?"

Windows cannot copy files required for installation. Files may be corrupt or missing.
Make sure all files required for installation are available and restart installation.

At this point we must assume IF you've done Step1 correctly?
Then we must assume that either you didn't or that your image may be a bit corrupt!
And that means you need t re-download it once more from the official Microsoft page!
If you having problems downloading from the official site? Try search other links or torrents...

You also just in case could make a DM5 hashsum check to make sure if it really isn't corrupt or modified!
Go here Hashsum: Link Removed - Invalid URL
The true MD5 hashsum of Windows 7000.0.081212-1400 is: f9dc e6eb d0a6 3930 b44d 8ae8 02b6 3825
If it doesn't match, then you may wanna do the solution to the Problem2 again, again and again!

Windows 7 Build 7000 x86
File Name: 7000.0.081212-1400_client_en-us_Ultimate-GB1CULFRE_EN_DVD.iso
File Size: 2.43GB (2,618,793,984 bytes)
MD5 Hash: f9dce6ebd0a63930b44d8ae802b63825
SHA1: 607118428B2156FF61CDC5260545CO78CCA31EE

Windows 7 RC Build 7100 x86
File Name: 7100.0.090421-1700_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRC1CULFRER_EN_DVD.iso
File Size: 2.35GB (2,530,975,744 bytes)
MD5 Hash: 8867C13330F56A93944BCD46DCD73590
SHA1: 7D1F486CA569EFFFFB719CFB48355BB7BF499712
CRC32: E8A1C394

Windows 7 RC Build 7100 x64
File Name: 7100.0.090421-1700_x64fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRC1CULFRER_EN_DVD.iso
File Size: 3.04GB
MD5 Hash: 98341AF35655137966E382C4FEAA282D

"Still experiencing installation problems?"
After downloading ISO image from different locations you may still experience problems.

To make sure to avoid any burning errors, you may try burn it on USB Flash Memory Stick.
Here I found a solution on how you can do just that! That is IF you have a 4gb memory stick.
Otherwise you also could go for such as Virtual Drive/Disc installation and mount it with such as WinMount v3.2.0120.
Then try to run Win 7 both on boot with usb portable device or from Win XP/Vista from virtual disc.
If you think that those methods are too confusing, you may try and download WinRar 3.80 just extract it to a folder.
Just make sure to make WinRar to be your default prog for opening ISO files when re-installing WinRar and select ISO.

If all of these steps fails? Kill yourself!:\
OK, I'm kidding! Don't kill yourself over some sucky Beta Windows!?
I could understand if it was over a girl or a boy?.. But Windows? :D
Come on...! There is a final solution though! It's a secret, not for long though!
But it will require at least 2 HDD and one portable 1 HDD!
1 HDD with an installed Windows 7 and 1 HDD with any Windows installed on it!
That means you should ask or find someone willing to upload or copy for you a fresh copy of installed Windows 7!
(that someone could be me if I finally get it to install very soon... I'm still currently making backups of my old files..)
And 1 HDD or a portable device such as Flash Memory Stick of 9gb, and not 16gb like Microsoft want's you to believe!
Plug in both drives to same PC, on boot you can press F8 or F9 to choose a drive to boot from which must be old Win.
Enter the drive with a Win 7 on it and copy all Windows folders you can see onto P.FMS/3rd HDD.
After that procedure you can boot from any HDD Device that has Windows 7 folder in it!
You also can boot from Win 7 1st HDD and enter old Windows drive and replace it with Win 7 from 3rd HDD with.
You could also try some faster ways like
..or like how ever Win Installation makes a copy of your old Windows when installing it from old win on old win...
Just don't forget to change the registration serial number to your own to make it your own legal copy of Windows!

Now I'm not a computer geek, but some experience from life over the years you do gain indeed! :rolleyes:
If any of these steps worked or didn't work for you or maybe you're getting other errors? Let us all know!
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Try CD Burner XP-best solution for me!!! Gives accurate DVD from .iso
This should be bundled with all Windows OS!!!
Having a known working good install DVD sloves most install problems both with Windows and Linux hiccoughs!!!

Don't rubbish Windows 7 until you've got a good install!!!
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I must say, a very well constructed/informative post here Vadim Cool. :) Well done. Plus Rep. Hopefully this will help all those who have been having difficulty with the installation of Win 7, and keep some of the "duplicate" questions down to a dull roar.. ;) Though I do have to disagree with you regarding the "sucky Windows Beta" comment. I really don't think Windows 7 Beta is "sucky" by any means whatsoever. I think it is the absolute best/most rock solid Beta Windows Microsoft has released to date. ;)

I really don't think Windows 7 Beta is "sucky" by any means whatsoever. I think it is the absolute best/most rock solid Beta Windows Microsoft has released to date.

Yeah thanks! :razz:
And, yeah, I just couldn't stand the look of all the same and mostely without other suggestins posts.. I really expected a bit more with really experiencedpeople here that are trying to help out the noobs... And some things that I wrote, was to give more to choose from and therefore more hope with it... but also some of the stuff I wrote wasn't exactly what I meant to write...
I don't think that Win7 is that sucky indeed, but that all depends on which day and in which situation... And also how you interpreted the meaning of that word "sucky"!
For the time it takes for some people to figure out on how to install it and yet those some still can't ? Then it sucked out a precious life time and energy out of them at that point and only gave people a bad first impression...? Then it's sucky indeed! Like for me it happened... Till I came up with a bunch of ideas after loudly asking myself the question on "is there really no other way around those stupid errors?!" And then I thought to myself and said "well, actually there is, because there must be!". I'm a kind of an optimist lately since that's the only way you can really keep on staying a true Christian!
So I went on google and found a possible answer to my problem, and also a bunch of ideas came to my mind since I have 3 HDDs and when you must make a secure backup of your files, you must move stuff back and forth in many different ways... So it may be like I wrote above, that I gained my experience over the years, but some of it was over my bad day with Win7!
Hmm... it's not that hard to find a workable solution when you put your mind to it! ;)

The solution was, I downloaded Win7 over rapidshare trough many links and my checksum wasn't the right one. So I decided to download it trough official Microsoft site.. And it was downloaded 5 times faster than from rapidshare in like only 100 minutes and it was the right one! It worked without errors trough installation... I even didn't burned it! I just opened it in WinRar 3.8 and even without extracting it in any of my special folders, I just ran the exe file right in it and it went fine trough installation even on reboots etc... Ohh, and almost forgot to add that during those 100min of download process, I didn't surf the net to keep the download flow perfectely stable!

Also here to add:
I cleaned my keyboard before all of this Win7 to my knowledge and I obviously used a bit too wet rag... So some of my buttons like r t y f g didn't work anymore even after I opened it and dryed it and stuff... So I had to reassign some of those letters to Num keys with a program... And so it wasn't too easy for me to write all that I wrote above... Anyways, to my surprise later I discovered that Win7 had a desktop keyboard that I'm for the record currently using to make this reply... It's marvelous!

So yeah Windows 7 is great indeed when it isn't acting sucky!
My second impression of it was, ohh no, Linux mixed with Mac kind?
But it needed to be configured... and it ain't easy when there is a bunch of new stuff and not too many of old option menus vissible...
There are still some stuff to get used to! But a keyboard? Windows Media Player 12.0.7000.7000?? DirecrX 11???! :rolleyes:
Nice! :D

So thanks, since even the smallest thing wasn't easy for me... And I will keep you all posted if anything else comes up!
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I made the big mistake of downloading it into WinRAR zip and went looking in all the files for s setup.exe file and with out hesitation I clicked on it and it ran Win7 beta right over the top of Vista Premium. So I ended up having Win7 Ultimate as my only OS.
Yes it was stupid of me but I didn't have any problem with the install and was able to view and review Win7 beta and all its goodies.
I have since then did a full recovery with my disks and I am back to Vista Premium. It took alot of time but I got a chance to see what is coming down the pike with Win7 and I won't be standing in line when it comes out. I will wait to see what everyone's input is. I think we all have done the dog and pony show for all of the different versions of Windows so I am finally going to cool my jets and use what I have that is working beautifully. That's my 10cents of info for the day...

I made the big mistake of downloading it into WinRAR zip and went looking in all the files for s setup.exe file and with out hesitation I clicked on it and it ran Win7 beta right over the top of Vista Premium. So I ended up having Win7 Ultimate as my only OS. ...

LOL, hold on, hooold on a sec here! :cool:
Which setup did you run? :confused:
The 1st one right next to autorun and bootmgr files?
Because 1st of all you can't escape not running it or you shouldn't skip it anyways in anyway!
And it doesn't install anything before a bunch of confirmations on how you want it to be installed for you and a while of files gathering!
1st option is to upgrade your Win Vista to Win7 and 2nd option is to install it clean... lol like what did you expect?
I did the 2nd and it even made me a backup copy of my old Windows by placing it in a folder Windows.old
That means somehow you can get your old one to run once more with all configured options and stuff...
Not sure about the 1st one.. but if you can upgrade it, then you should be able to downgrade it as well!
But it's always good to be cautious and take some precautions like making your own backup copies yourself!

Besides this Win7 rocks... so that it by itself decides which progs are not in use anymore...
And so it can drop down up to 200mb ram on it's own within minutes while me doing almost nothing but gaming or watching movies.
That's cool... now it's almost as well working as my old Windows XP Sp3...:)
And those small things can become abig deal especially for someone like me that has only 1gb of ram at the moment and a cool and smooth working desktop keyboard that almost as fast as my old real one and especially when it's now half-broke.
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Don't remember the file name I found setup.exe in and it gave me no step by step confirmations. Besides that I had a chance to look at Win7 and I liked what I saw and now I am back to where I want to be running Vista. Only time and money will tell when the real deal is available and at what cost. So with that said.....Have a great week-end!

Don't remember the file name I found setup.exe in and it gave me no step by step confirmations. Besides that I had a chance to look at Win7 and I liked what I saw and now I am back to where I want to be running Vista. Only time and money will tell when the real deal is available and at what cost. So with that said.....Have a great week-end!

:) Well okey, cool, thanks, will do! :p
And to you the same as well too! ;)
ASUS Mobo P5QL-CM, QUAD Q9400, 8GB won't Boot W7-X64 from DVD

Strange problem - (fixed eventually)
Mobo ASUS P5QL-CM with 8GB RAM and Quad Q9400 processor wouldn't boot W7-X64 from the DVD.
I have 3 SATA drives and 1 IDE (you can flip the order of the hard drive boot as well once you've got an OS installed).
I tried 3 different W-X64 DVD's all burned from DIFFERENT computers and a different copy of the W7 ISO (build 7000) before anyons says Corrupt DVD Image -- no joy.
Windows XP, Windows Vista booted just fine. OK XP only recognized around 3GB but it booted.
I'm using the on board Video and sound. Incidentally Windows XP install 15 Mins on this combination !!!! I wiped it later for W7 of course.

I finally got it to work by starting it from VISTA and selecting a CLEAN install.
This left a couple of fiddly small boot partitions -- I don't like this - I prefer to have the boot mgr on the same partition so I can just image the partition for backup and restore. I don't Dual boot or anything.

deleted the small partitions -- then because the bootmgr is gone I did a REPAIR and it's fine and all on 1 partition.
You can delete also the Windows.Old directory -- not sure why this is even created because you can't restore it or use it again.

W7 fine on that machine and the DVD will actually boot.

I suspect that the Beta doesn't like Uninitialized disks - the 3 SATA disks were brand new -- totally unformatted etc etc.

This didn't seem to be a problem with VISTA.

I'd suggest if you are adding new drives format them before booting the W7 DVD.

(I've since replaced the IDE disk with a SATA one).

Not bad..

...You can delete also the Windows.Old directory -- not sure why this is even created because you can't restore it or use it again....

I'd suggest if you are adding new drives format them before booting the W7 DVD.
(I've since replaced the IDE disk with a SATA one).


Thank very much for your post and solutions in... it's not bad...
But I have something to add... When trying to format your harddrive on boot with Win7 disc etc...
There are things that can go wrong indeed even if you didn't touch the harddrives yourself...
At this point it helps to disconnect some or all of your harddrives on the next boot and then turn your pc off..
Then reconnect your harddrives and some problems getting fixed on their own that way...!

Also you said that Windows.old can't be used again??? It all depends! :cool:
If your old Windows worked fine before installing Win7? Then especcially people like you can still use it!
Since you have at least 2 hdd. You can boot your Win7 and an empty hdd.
Then open Windows.old folder and copy everything in it on your empty hdd...
In theory it should work the next time you reboot your pc by pressing F8 or F9.
And choose to boot from drive where you copied your old Windows unto, that's it!
Hopefully it should work and you'll be able to use your old Windows again!
There may be some files on Win7 C drive that you may also need to copy on old...
And there may be some problems regarding a small missing partition of 7mb...

But it's nothing in my opinion that you can't fix yourself! ;)
Have a nice day! :)
I wanted to add an installation issue I had, and I didn't see it here, but if it is, forgive me.

This is kind of a 2 parter, but I had issues installing to a 500 gb Seagate as well as my 2 new 64GB SSD's that were raided.

They where both the first device on the list, disk 0, but when I tried to install windows 7 into it I would get an error every time, that windows cannot install into the partition.

The solution, although a hassle, was to unplug any other SATA and USB harddrives. Just left the 500 GB or the SSD Raid and I was able to install without issues, plugging the other SATA devices in after the first reboot.

The second issue I had was that it would only boot if I had the disk in the drive. I would ignore "pressing any key" and it would boot fine, but if I took the disk out I would get a missing boot partition message.

I corrected this by taking the DVD out on the first reboot as well. After that I have had no problem booting without the disk in the drive.

It looks like MS has some tweaks to go through on the install process, although fast, can be a bit painful for people who like to have more than one drive.
anybody find a solution for the random install/system freezes yet

Now, I've read some of your other posts... have you actually read mien?
Why do you post this short message like right before we should think that you don't care to solve your problem?
Have you tried installing it from winrar? Did you ask anyone for a copy of an installed win7?
I doubt it! And are you sure that md5 check matches the original number? etc...
How do you install FROM winrar?????

(sorry if noob question)

Well, you 1st must install WinRar 3.80...
And then you riht click with your mouse on the downloaded windows iso file...
And sellect Open With > Win Rar Archiver... or something in that dirrection...
And run the fist setup file you see in the iso image file...
As you can see I'm still new here.

My question:

I have since yesterday been trying to install the Windows 7 RC and I've been having serious issues with it.

The DVD boots up perfectly fine.
I go trough the steps to select a harddisk & partition to install windows 7 to.
This all works fine and it's starts to copy my data to my disk.
Reboot & setup continues with the last part of the setup I think.
After a couple minutes the screen gives a nice BSOD with this error:

I guess your most logical solution would be, do a memory test.
I did.
Second try to burn another DVD, I had another copy of Beta build 7000 and I get the exact same error
at the exact same moment.

Going trough google only gives issues on this particular "igdkmd64.sys" as parts of drivers vs vista SP1 but nothing about Windows 7.

Anyone who perhaps has a clue?

If needed, my rig is the following:
Intel Core2 E8500 (not OC'd)
Intel DG45ID Motherboard
Kingston Memory 4GB DDR2 PC 6400 (Standard HyperX timings)
XFX GeForce 8800GTS (320MB Version)
2x SATA Seagate HDD's: 1x 1TB & 1x 320GB

I hope you have enough info.

EDIT: BIOS Update seems to get me past the BSOD. And we just got our desktop to show.
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As you can see I'm still new here.

My question:

I have since yesterday been trying to install the Windows 7 RC and I've been having serious issues with it.

The DVD boots up perfectly fine.
I go trough the steps to select a harddisk & partition to install windows 7 to.
This all works fine and it's starts to copy my data to my disk.
Reboot & setup continues with the last part of the setup I think.
After a couple minutes the screen gives a nice BSOD with this error:

I guess your most logical solution would be, do a memory test.
I did.
Second try to burn another DVD, I had another copy of Beta build 7000 and I get the exact same error
at the exact same moment.

Going trough google only gives issues on this particular "igdkmd64.sys" as parts of drivers vs vista SP1 but nothing about Windows 7.

Anyone who perhaps has a clue?

If needed, my rig is the following:
Intel Core2 E8500 (not OC'd)
Intel DG45ID Motherboard
Kingston Memory 4GB DDR2 PC 6400 (Standard HyperX timings)
XFX GeForce 8800GTS (320MB Version)
2x SATA Seagate HDD's: 1x 1TB & 1x 320GB

I hope you have enough info.

EDIT: BIOS Update seems to get me past the BSOD. And we just got our desktop to show.

It's refering to Vista drivers most likely because there aren't any Windows 7 specific drivers released for your comp yet.. ;) The latest available Windows Vista drivers WILL work on Windows 7 though so just because it doesn't refer to Windows 7 doesn't mean that the drivers won't work for your problem.. :) There will be Windows 7 drivers released for your motherboard but it may take some time as it does with any OS early in it's lifecycle.. ;)
Well got the problem fixed just by installing the latest BIOS update from Intel and that was the solution.
May I just add on the subject of the 'wndows.old' folder; if you had already backed up your previous install (to Removeable Disk, or separate drive) and especially if you have used a 'dual-boot' configuration, you can 'delete' the windows.old folder and recover 20Gb of space.

Useful if you wish to make use of the space for other files :)
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