Windows Server Windows DC Virtualization


New Member
Greetings Fellow Techies,
I have Virtualized a Windows 2008 DC Server using VMware vCenter tool. Once I open the
Server using VM Player on Ubuntu the Server boots up flawlessly but Active Directory do not
work. There is no point virtualizing the DC if the Active Directory is not working. The service
show it is working. Also I have found that Ethernet Driver & Base System Driver is not been
installed as well. When I Install Windows 2008 STD Server as Clean Install on the same
configuration everything is working fine.... How do I get all thiese corrected? Do I have to re-
Virtualize the Server with may be Active Directory Service stopped etc etc... your suggestions are
appreciated very much
Did you give the server a static address before you virtualized it?

1. Press [Windows key] +[r] and type “cmd” (without quotes) and press return or enter.

2. Type “ipconfig /all” (without quotes)

Does the server have the same ip address now?
Hi, Thank you for your reply. Yes. The server is a DC & has a static IP Address. but after virtualizing and running on either VMware or Virtual Box the AC DS is non functional
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